Some people should never be allowed to escape their past. Some people should never be free of shame. There is a special place in hell for MAGA Proud Boys – especially those who are suddenly revealed to be closet Sissies and Fags, who secretly worship BBC while preaching the hateful gospels of white supremacy in their everyday lives.

Such people should never be allowed to escape their past. Such people should never be free of shame.

In other words, people like Kaleb Martindale Location from Indiana, USA.

When Candy’s annoyed, Candy destroys – and nothing irritated the Princess more than the insufferable populism of Donald Trump and the mass delusion about the ‘stolen’ election.

And so it is very bad luck for Kinky Kaleb that a cache of his photographs have fallen into the Princess’s possession – because the Princess knows exactly what to do with them!

Here are his details:

Email: It‘ Snap:kmartindale2021 Twitter:@littleloserdic1 Telegram: @kalebmar Fetlife:

He takes it Big/ he takes it Black/ He takes a dildo/ Up his crack ….

Three-quarters blind from too much wanking

Safely locked so he can’t spread his hateful MAGA genes

The truth about Kinky Kaleb

A man with very little to smile about …