The Princess has whores in many different countries. This is Magda from the town of Amstetten in Austria.
Like all the Princess’s whores, she doesn’t have a choice: she just has financial targets she has to meet to avoid ruin.
These targets are calculated on the age and desirability of the whore. In Magda’s case, she’s rough looking but has a decent body so she is traded out at a medium range price.
The amount she has to earn is calculated on three customers per day for, four days of the week. It isn’t possible for her to do more because of work and family commitments.
The presence of the target means that a whore like Magda can never say no – in fact she will beg a customer to do more to her, because doing more means she gets paid more and thereby edges closer to her weekly target.
One week she actually made a small surplus which I let her keep. That was nice of me wasn’t it.