Do you want to be forced into prostitution, Sissy? To have no choice but to open your mouth and your legs to a series of strangers because someone holds enough Blackmail material to ruin you if you refuse? You do? Well then the Princess ‘Forced Prostitution; game may be for you.

The game begins with you completing various humiliating and degrading Tasks. This allows me to assess your potential for prostitution and to prepare you for the work you’ll be doing. And, of course, because you’ll be taking photographs of everything I ask you to do, I will be able to develop the Blackmail portfolio I’ll be using up to ensure you follow through. This element of the training costs £40.

Based on my assessment of your performance in Stage I, we will craft the advertisements that you will place on websites to attract customers, highlighting your special skills and sexual talents. We will also decide on the fee you will ask for your services, and making sure you have the right outfits to attract clients. This aspect of the training will cost £30.

The final pillar will be a detailed questionnaire which will ask for the kinds of personal details which – combined with the pictures – will make the Blackmail lock impossible to break. You will sign this document and it will form a contract in which you accept the reality of your new situation. This element of the training costs £30.

And then we’ll put you out there to start earning – earning for me, that is! It will be a hard and degrading life, but it’s what you need. I will decide how much – if any – of your prostitution income you get to keep.

So, Sissy: how much do you want to be a prostitute and be forced to whore yourself to strangers at the behest of your cruel Blackmailing Mistress?

Let’s find out, shall we?